Thelma Ojelabi

Earth Walk 2021

I am walking for

Floods. Fires. Storms. Droughts. Rising global temperatures are wreaking havoc on the lives of the people least responsible for the climate crisis. And they are getting worse. But the wealthiest countries - those most responsible for polluting the planet – are dragging their feet. Their leaders aren’t taking enough action to cut their emissions, or delivering the funding needed to protect communities dealing with the climate emergency.

ActionAid’s EarthWalk means people everywhere can step up, so that politicians hear the calls of those already on the front lines of the climate crisis. I have joined the Earth Walk. Will you?

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Earth Walk

Friday 15th Oct
The much talked about national launch of EarthWalk: for the people; for the planet is here! Collectively, we are walking 40,000km (the circumference of the Earth) to demand real climate action! Together, we are demanding our leaders to step up for climate justice, ahead of the COP26 Climate Summit. 
By this EarthWalk launch, Nigeria shall be contributing to walk the Earth’s circumference. Our take-off points are both AAN Office and Goodview Hotel by 8:15am prompt. Get comfy tomorrow morning! We shall be joined for the walk by the critical mass of our stakeholders like the Youth Working Group, Activista, LRP partners, Media, Core Women's Group Representatives, SDGs Youth Network, Project Partners.
The destination is Dakwa in AMAC Area Council! The mission is to call for climate justice for women and their communities, especially those living on the frontlines of the climate crisis. If you have not registered for the walk, kindly visit- Ironically, we have fewer number of staff who have registered compared Activista & our partners. Do it and encourage your loved ones, friends, and family members to register too! We are making strong statement with this epoch-making walk for environmental & climate justice! 
In solidarity!